Paddle to SouthBank for Breakfast

On Sunday 26th of September we will be paddling to SouthBank for coffee and breakfast. If you are interested in coming along we will depart from the canoe club shed at 7am.

You don’t have to have coffee or breakfast but we will paddle to a cafe on the river for those that want to stop for a while. There is no need to RSVP, just turn up at the shed by 6:50 at the latest as we will be leaving at 7am sharp and should be back by around 10am.

Bring some cash if you plan on having something to eat and/or drink. It would be a good idea to be comfortable paddling TK1’s as well as sea kayaks in case we have a few people turn up, otherwise you can paddle either a sea kayak or TK1 (or K1 if you are keen).

It won’t be a fast paddle so beginners with a little bit of fitness should be able to handle the distance, but as a general rule, you should be capable of paddling to the green marker and back without getting too tired.