1. Type of Membership / Costs

Membership is required to participate in club activities. Three types of membership are available. The type affects the price and how long the membership lasts.

  • Ordinary membership: $90 (fulltime UQ student) or $130 (others).
    Membership turns over at the end of March of the year after you join. If you join in January or February, your membership lasts until the end March of following the year.
  • Semester membership: $60 (fulltime UQ student) or $75 (others).
    Membership commences from the date the membership is approved by the Management Committee (effectively from when your payment AND membership forms are successfully completed), or from the start of January (Sem 1) or Start of July (Sem2) of the year if the paperwork is completed in advance of the semester start. It ends at the end of June (Sem 1) or end of December (Sem 2) of that year.
  • Life membership: Awarded by club at the discretion of the club committee, and with the approval of the club members, life membership may be offered to eligible members of over 10 years standing. It commences on the date it is awarded at a general meeting of members and continues until the person’s death, or the member resigns from the membership.

To be eligible for personal accident insurance (via UQ sport), you MUST be a financial member of the Canoe club. Without this you cannot participate in club activities (other than one off trial paddles, come and try days, and (if a member of Paddle Australia) canoe polo sessions.

Steps To Becoming a Member







4. TWO


LM: Feb 2024