No Access to the River from the Club Shed (Jun-Aug 2023)

Work is commencing on the new rowing club pontoon from that start of June. The current pontoon is in bad need of repair and this is part of a much broader improvement plan. It is envisaged that this will take up to three months to complete the new pontoon (?mid / end of Aug). We are also hoping that after this work may commence on our club’s pontoon and get it back into action.

We will look to organise other paddling events over this period, so keep an eye out. Also come along to the UQ Pool on Monday nights to keep up some paddle skills (eg polo).

No Access to UQ Pontoons

The club pontoon has been out of action since the floods and we have been using the adjacent Rowing Club pontoon. UQ Sport has now informed us that the rowing club pontoon is currently unavailable for use as it has developed a structural issue.

This means there is currently no access to the river from the shed, and this affects all clubs that use them. We are hoping to hear more from UQ Sport soon as to how long we will not have direct river access and what alternatives may become available.

Reduced Membership Price for the Rest of 2022

Due to the impact of Covid and the Floods, members have delayed renewing or joining. The committee has decided to reduce the (re)joining cost for 2022 by charging only the Semester price for a memberships from mid-May 2022. This is better value than the Semester membership, so please join as an ordinary member.

For the rest of 2022, the cost of ordinary membership is now
$60 for UQ Students and $75 for everyone else (that’s 30-40% off).

Please join/renew here !