Amity Weekend

A weekend trip along the northern bay side of North Stradbroke island, with a paddle over the Amity banks and Rous channel if conditions permit.

Date 8th April – 9th April 2017
Description We will catch a car ferry across to Dunwich (from Cleveland) and then paddle up to Amity for the night). Return the next day. Depending on conditions, we may go via Amity Banks and the Rous channel for some sight seeing.
Paddle type Sea kayaking (bay)
Grade 1
Duration 2 days
Distance 13 km each day (20km on Sat if we detour via Amity Banks and the Rous channel)
Schedule Friday
We will meet at the club shed on Friday afternoon (6PM) to load gear/pack trailer (if needed).


  • 6:15 AM sharp – meet at the shed and finalise gear (don’t be late!)
  • 6:30 AM – depart shed for Cleveland
  • 7:30 AM – arrive Tundah Harbour, Cleveland. Unload and pack boats
  • 7:55 AM – Carry onto car ferry
  • 8:30 AM – trip briefing on ferry
  • 8:50 AM – Arrive Dunwich
  • 9:00 AM – load boats and briefing
  • 10:00 AM – depart Dunwich
  • 13:00 – arrive Amity (we will not detour via Rous channel).
  • Lunch.
  • Set up camp. Explore Amity.
  • Sunday

  • Break Camp.
  • 10:30 AM Pack boats.
  • 11:00 Early Lunch.
  • 11:30 depart Amity
  • 3:00 PM Arrive Dunwich and pack trailer.
  • 3:45 PM Prepare to board car ferry or 5PM passenger ferry.
  • 4:45 PM Arrive Cleveland and pack cars
  • 5:30PM Depart Cleveland.
  • 6:30 PM arrive UQ
  • 7:00 PM go home!
Trip Leader(s) Pierre Lemaire
2IC Martin Wynne
  • Sat 30th: High (Dunwich): 7:03 AM; Low (Amity) 01:48 PM [Brisbane Bar is High: 07:39 AM (2.32m); Low 2:32 PM (0.47m)]
  • Sun 31st: High (Amity): 7:47AM; Low (Dunwich): 3:11 PM [Brisbane Bar is High: 08:23 AM (2.32m); Low 2:54 PM (0.44m)]
Put in and take out points
  • Put in (Sat)/Takeout (Sun): Harbour in Dunwich adjacent to ferry terminal and under other jetties
  • Take out (Sat)/ Put in (Sun): Beach beside Amity campground
Alt. Take out points and routes Myora Springs (if really necessary)
Facilities There are toilets available on the ferry, in Dunwich and at Amity (bring enough water for the full trip!). Showers and toilets are at the campsite. There is a local shop and also a local club to buy dinner.
Personal Gear See club grade 1 trip equipment list. It will be windy and it could be cold. Please pack warm gear for ON the water, and other warm gear for OFF the water. A wind jacket and/or thermals are great. A full multiday gear checklist is here. Please use common sense in choosing from it as you will not need it all. Water, food, warm paddle and land (dry) clothes. Dress for outdoors. Tent, sleeping bag and sleeping mat.
Required Equipment
  • As per Club Grade 1 requirements
  • Spray decks
  • Hand pump – req. 1 per 2 kayaks
  • Paddle Float – req. 1 per 2 kayaks
  • Sun smart gear (sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, long-sleeved shirt)
  • Warm clothes for on the water and more for off the water (dry)
  • Tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat
  • Food (it is possible to eat at a local club)
Recommended Equipment
  • Minimum 3 litres of water – there is water/showers/toilets at the campsite
  • Footwear suitable for paddling and swimming (please NO thongs (ie no flipflops)!) Also footwear on land.
  • Wind/spray jacket to protect from wind/cold/rain
  • Food / Nourishment/water for the duration of the trip (some should be accessable)
Check Equipment Suitable craft, spray deck, PFD, paddle, paddle leash, bailing device, medication, water, footwear
Paddler Requirements Paddlers should have an appropriate level of fitness, this is a trip that requires moderate fitness level. The Bay can be calm but can also change dramatically with winds and tides also playing a factor. Individuals must self-assess their, and their equipment’s, ability to participate in this level club event and should consult the trip leader if any aspect of their suitability requires clarification.

Participants must be familiar with, and have demonstrated, a wet exit (using spray decks). The trip will follow the coastline and will not be a long distance from the shore so prior T-rescues are not required. However, If you have not previously demonstrated a T-rescue using sea kayaks, you will be required to learn and demonstrate this on the trip (i.e. you will get wet).

Meet UQ Club shed at 5:30 AM to finalise boats and gear, Depart for Cleveland 6:00 AM
Meet time at Put in point AM – on water at 9 AM (or earlier if possible)
Risks and Hazards Sunburn, fatigue, hypothermia, dehydration, Sea sickness, cuts and bruises, Boat capsize, Boat traffic, Rough seas, Paddle related injuries, wind and current (weather), group separation, land and sea fauna, travel.
Steps to reduce risk Dress for the outdoors, Bring wind/ rain proof cag. Advise trip leader of any medical conditions beforehand. Make participants aware of boat traffic. Safety, communication, and emergency gear. Ensure all safety equipment is accessible and basic knowledge is imparted on its use. Group to stay in close configuration.
Safety Gear Spare paddle, tow ropes, paddle float, compass, PFD, bailer, sea kayak with deck lines and sealed compartments, hand pumps, First aid kit, chart, torch, light stick.
Communications Mobile phone(s), VHF radio, PLB, whistles, flares, signal mirror, V sheet
Emergency Contact(s) VMR Dunwich 3409 9338, VMR 455 Raby Bay tel 3821-2244 (0600-1800) A/H 0427 372 830 – Channels 16, 21, 67, 73, 81
Medical Conditions Please advise leaders if you have health issues or injuries that may affect participation. Ensure medication is carried and is accessible.
Medical Centre
  • Dunwich Ambulance and Marie Rose Medical Centre (24hrs emergency) 9AM-noon daily 34099059
  • Yulu Burri Ba Medical Centre (M-F 8:30AM – 4:30PM) 34099596
  • Point Lookout Medical Centre: 34098660
  • Police Dunwich: 34096020
Map of Paddle Route
272-Dunwich-Amity route.jpg
  • Wear and tear contribution for club gear used. ~$10 per day
  • Petrol money for your driver.
  • Car Ferry cost to get the boat to Stradbroke and back ~$30
  • Camping fees $10/night [possibly more – to be updated]
  • Contribution to the trailer tower for extra petrol (if needed).
  • A few extra dollars in case of coffee stop or club meal (most people are having a meal at a nearby club on Sat night) or unplanned expenses. There is a shop at Amity too (assuming we are there when it is open…)
Register with: Pierre Leader Email Address Location: Committee Contacts Page
Register by: 4th April 2017 (earlier if possible so we can ensure space on the ferry!) Event ID: 170408S

Event organisers and leaders: Check registrations here (copy the event ID first). Login required.


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