Noosa Everglades Long Weekend Camping Trip

An overnight camping trip in a section of the Noosa everglades accessible only by boat or hiking. We plan to take a combination of sea kayaks, roscos and canoes.

Event ID: 180929F
Last Modified: 2018-09-13 06:33:09
Version: 1

Campsite 3

The Noosa everglades is a section of wetlands in the upper Noosa River with water stained black from the tannins in the teatrees. The dark, still water creates a mirror like surface, making for beautiful scenery along the paddle.

The trip is on a long weekend, so we’ll make use of the Monday off, departing early Saturday morning, camping Saturday and Sunday evening and returning Monday afternoon.
Note, we will be staying at remote campsites that do not have toilets. However, we will be going past campsite 3 each day which has a compost toilet.

180-j Walk to Sandblow P9030144.JPG
Wallum walk to Sandpatch

Approximate timings

  • 5pm Friday: Meet at the shed to load the trailer and organise car-pooling.
  • 7am Saturday: Depart Brisbane to arrive at Harry’s Hut by 10am. Then unpack trailer, load boats and be on the water between 11am and midday. Three to 4 hours of easy paddling will have us at campsites 8 and 9 for Saturday night.
  • Sunday morning: Pack up camp and reload boats, to be back on water by 9am. Paddle back to campsites 4 and 5 to set up camp for Sunday night (1-2 hour paddle). Then take lunch and paddle back to campsite 3 (10-20min) and walk up to “the sandpatch”, which is a large exposed sand dune perched high on a ridge that separates the Upper Noosa River from the ocean. Offering spectacular views of the ocean, sweeping across to Lake Cootharaba and then west over the Cooloola section of the Great Sandy National Park. We will return to campsite in the afternoon.
  • Monday morning: Pack up camp and reload boats to be on water by 9am. Paddle back to Harry’s hut (1.5-2hours), arriving back before 11am. Reload the trailer and departing Harry’s Hut by 1pm, for a 4pm return time to the shed.

Paddle Type Flatwater; Sea kayaking
Start Date 29-03-2018
End Date 1-10-2018
Trip days 3
Trip Leader Sam Duniam
2IC Martin Wynne
Grade 1
Distance(s) Sat: 15 – 16 km
Sun: 8.5 – 11 km (also 12km walk)
Mon: 8.5 – 10 km

  • 5pm Friday: Meet at the shed to load the trailer and organise car-pooling.


  • 6: 30 AM Meet at Club shed
  • 7am Saturday: Depart Brisbane
  • 10 AM Arrive Harry’s Hut, then unpack trailer, load boats
  • 11 -noon: depart
  • 3-4 PM Arrive campsites 8 or 9
  • 4PM set up camp


  • 7 AM Breakfast
  • 8 AM Pack up camp and reload boats
  • 9 AM Depart
  • 10:30 AM Arrive campsites 4 & 5
  • Set up camp
  • 11AM Early lunch
  • Noon: Paddle to Campsite 3 (~15min)
  • 12:30 PM Walk to sandpatch ~3 hr stop)
  • 4:30 PM depart for campsite 4 & 5
  • 5:00 PM Arrive and have dinner


  • 7 AM breakfast
  • 8 AM Break camp
  • 8:30 AM Load boats
  • 9AM Depart
  • 11 AM Arrive Harry’s hut
  • Load Trailer
  • Noon: Lunch
  • 1 PM: Depart
  • 4 PM return to shed.
Paddle Duration(s) Sat
* 3-4 hrs

* 2.5 hr
* also Sandpatch walk (~12km) ~ 3hr

2-2.5 hr

Tide(s) n/a
Moon 80% visible (9:38PM rise)
71% visible (10:38PM rise)
60% visible (11:39 PM rise)
Sunrise – Sunset times Sunrise: 5:29 AM
Sunset: 5:47 PM
Put in Point Harry’s Hut
Take out Point Harry’s Hut
Departure time (put in) 11 AM
Facilities Composting toilet at Harry’s Hut and at Campsite 3
No toilets at other sites.
No water at any site.
397-Upper Noosa River Map.jpg
Route map
Sandpatch walk route
Extra Files and Links Overall Map of Area
Harry’s Hut Put in / Take out point


Risks and Management

Sea Kayak Risk Assessment UQ Risk Assessment #45934; ✓ Animals and Plants (major injury);
✓ Animals and Plants (minor injury);
✓ Bad Weather / Weather Change;
✓ Boat Traffic / Shipping;
✓ Capsize;
✓ Carrying Boats;
✓ Cuts, Sprains, and Strains;
✓ Dehydration;
✓ Drowning;
✓ Enter / Exit Boat;
✓ Equipment Failure;
✓ Fitness / Fatigue;
✓ Getting Separated from Group;
✓ Group Getting Lost;
✓ Heat Exhaustion / Hyperthermia;
✓ Hit by Paddle;
✓ Hypothermia;
✓ Ineffective Rudder;
✓ Medical Condition(s);
✓ Missing / Broken Paddle;
✓ Paddle Related Injuries / Tendonitis / Blisters;
✓ Paddling in the dark / Night Paddling;
✓ Panic / Fear;
✓ Rocks and Submerged Objects;
✓ Separation from Boat;
✓ Sinking Boat;
✓ Strainers (Overhanging Trees / Mangroves / Fishing Lines / Structures);
✓ Sunburn;
✓ Tripping while walking;
Travel Risk Assessment UQ Assessment #57960; ✓ Becoming Lost;
✓ Breakdown or Breakdown in Remote Area;
✓ Chemical: Unleaded Petrol;
✓ Drowsiness while Driving;
✓ Incident or Accident while Driving;
✓ Injury from Loading / Unloading Equipment from vehicle;
✓ Loads Falling from Vehicle or Trailer, or hitting occupants in accident;
✓ Towing Trailer;
Risk Management
Paddler Requirements ✓ Paddlers must advise leaders if they have health issues or injuries that may affect participation. Ensure medication is carried and is accessible. If unsure, they should check with their doctor beforehand.
✓ Participants must be familiar with, and have demonstrated, a wet exit and T-rescue (in a sea kayak) while a member of the club.
✓ Participants must self-assess their, and their equipment’s ability to cope with this grade of club event. The club grading scale is located on the club website. This should be consulted prior to registration, and any concerns or anything needing clarification should be raised with the trip leader beforehand.
✓ Participants need the skills for the grade for the trip, unless modified below (Additional Comments).
✓ Participants should have an appropriate level of fitness. This is a trip that requires a moderate fitness level and a minimum sustained cruising speed as required by the paddle grade
Emergency Contact Information Emergency 000

Pomona Police Station (07) 5485 2586
Red St and Rectory St, Pomona, Q.

Non urgent incidents – Policelink 131 444

Nearest Medical Help and Contacts Gympie Public Hospital
12 Henry St, Gympie, Q
(07) 54898444

Noosa Public Hospital
111 Goodchap St.
Noosaville, Q
(07) 5455 9200

Safety and Personal Equipment
Personal Equipment (check link) ✓ Camping Gear (e.g. tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bag);
✓ Clothing you can get wet (on the water);
✓ Cooking gear;
✓ Dry clothing (to keep warm);
✓ Equipment Requirements for Grade;
✓ Food adequate for trip duration;
✓ Footwear suitable for paddling, swimming and extra for on land;
✓ Paddle clothes to protect from cold/wind (e.g. thermal/spray jacked or cag);
✓ Review potential equipment;
✓ Sun protection (hat, sunglasses, long sleeved paddle clothes, sunscreen, etc);
✓ Water – 3L per day (4L if camping);
✓ Water and snacks accessible while paddling;
Kayak Equipment ✓ Dry bag;
✓ PFD and paddle;
✓ Pump, sponge, bailer, and paddle float;
✓ Sea Kayaking Required Equipment List;
✓ Spray Deck (if you have never used one tell the leader before you register!);
✓ Suitable paddle craft (sea kayak if seakayaking);
✓ Whistle;
Safety Equipment ✓ First Aid Kit;
✓ Hand Pump (at least 1 per 2 boats);
✓ Paddle Floats (at least 1 per 2 boats);
✓ Repair Kit;
✓ Rescue Stirrup;
✓ Spare Paddle;
✓ Torch / Glow stick;
Communications ✓ Flares;
✓ Mobile Phone;
✓ Signal Mirror;
✓ V-Sheet;
✓ VHF Radio;
✓ Whistle;
Additional or Emphasised Equipment On water gear:

  • Water shoes
  • Clothes to paddle in (you need to be warm!)
  • Water bottle
  • Snacks for while paddling

Camping gear:

  • Dry bags (club can provide one)
  • Tent (club can provide – but book it when registering)
  • Sleeping mat (club can provide – but book it when registering)
  • Sleeping bag (club can provide – but book it when registering)
  • Clothes for dry land, also walking clothes/shoes – keep warm, keep dry.
  • 2 x breakfast, 3 x lunch, 2 x dinner, snacks,
  • Plate, cup, cutlery
  • Bring a fuel stove if you have one (the club has only one – book it when registering).
  • Torch
  • Water 2-3L PER DAY (2 -3 L old fruit juice bottles work well. Do NOT use 2L milk bottles).
  • Toilet paper and hand sanitiser

The club has limited camping gear so if you are short of some of these items let us know in advance and we’ll see if we have it available for your use.

Check of Paddlers’ Equipment ✓ Bailing Device;
✓ Footwear (covered);
✓ Medication;
✓ PFD;
✓ Paddle Leash;
✓ Suitable Craft;
✓ Sunsmart Gear;
✓ Water;



Boat Loading 28-09-2018 5:00 PM
Boat Loading Location Club shed
Meet Location Club Shed
Meeting Time (meet location) 6:30 AM
Depart Time (meet location) 7 AM
Meet time (put in) 10 AM
  • Camping costs ($6.55 per night – ie $19.65)
  • Wear and tear cost (~$20)
  • Petrol costs to your driver
  • Tea/coffee/snack money for if we stop on the way.
Additional Comments/Instructions The drive in to Harry’s Hut includes about 10km of rough sand track. It can be flooded or damaged with potholes and washouts 4WD preferred. Normal cars can make it, but if you have a very low car please ask about this. If the road is in bad condition we may need to do a shuttle (we’ve not had to do this before though!).

Limited places. Register soon!



Register with: Sam Leader Email Address Location: Committee Contacts Page
Register by: 26-09-2018 Event ID: 180929F