Saturday Coaching

Flatwater paddling is at the core of all paddling disciplines. Consequently the club is using some of your membership fees to subsidise coaching sessions for members to help them develop their paddling skills and get more out of the efforts they put in

Weekly coaching sessions for beginner and/or intermediate/advanced paddlers continue every Saturday morning. There are multiple sessions, but please book first so they can be properly organised.

If this is not used, then the club loses an opportunity to build skills. If you are interested but can’t make these sessions (eg can’t make Saturday mornings), please email coaching and let us know your preferred times so we can gauge interest.

For details please consult the coaching page.

Sea kayak Assisted Rescue Training

Learn to rescue someone who has come out a sea kayak (sea kayak T-rescues) at the UQ pool. Members need to have demonstrated this to come on sea kayak trips.

This will occur alongside canoe polo at the UQ pool on the evening of Tuesday 26th of August 2014. If you are around earlier, please come and help load sea kayaks at the shed at 7:30 PM.

Pool details, costs, and what to bring are here.

Registration: Places are limited. Please email Martin