UQ Sport Swim Test Session

UQ sport organises monthly swim tests (free). The next scheduled UQ Sport tests are shown below. All members are required to complete one of these tests.

Note that it is usually quicker and easier for members to attend one of the weekly canoe polo sessions on Tuesday evenings at the UQ pool (7:55 PM). The UQ sport swim test can be done at the beginning of the polo nights (free – if staying for polo then this is the pool contribution charge). However, not everyone can make these times.

Also please note that the UQ Aquatic Centre is usually happy to do the test most days provided they have finished with their scheduled paddle squads etc. Ring them first to check.

The Aquatic Centre with be conducting the next monthly swim test on

  • Sunday 1st September, 2019 at 2pm.

The assessment consists of swimming 400 metres (untimed) and treading water for 2 minutes.

Before participating in club activities involving swimming or water based activities club participants are required to successfully complete the assessment at the Aquatic Centre.

The session will be conducted by a certified lifeguard at no cost to participants or clubs.

UQ Sport requests that clubs provide approximate number members attending the monthly session a couple of days beforehand, so please register your intention to attend session in advance (not last minute!).


Register with: Membership
Register by: 3 days prior to the session Activity ID: 190901UQS.

Note: Please tick that you have completed the test and that you have completed the inductions – even if you haven’t. Neither is required to register for this.

Event organisers and leaders: Check registrations here (copy the activity ID first). Login required.