Whitewater Introductory Trip

A basic whitewater kayaking introduction at the Upper Brisbane River. This is your chance to try a bit of whitewater kayaking. Great for all kayaking disciplines.

Preference given to active paddlers (river or pool/polo).

Note: details and destination may change

Places: 6 max

Event ID: 181027W
Last Modified: 2018-07-23
Version: 4

Savages Crossing Bridge

Calm water, moving water, up to easy grade 2 standard. Don’t miss out.

We will begin at Savage’s Crossing with safety, river reading and basics of boat control on flat water. As we paddle upstream, we will begin to practice some basic skills like breaking-in and out, some general safety and river features. Depending on the group progress and enjoyment, the group may then move to another section of the Upper Brisbane on Forrest Hill-Fernvale Road (Lowood section) after lunch. By the end of the trip, participants should feel more comfortable in their craft and paddling in low grade water.

The skills and knowledge learned will help you if you find yourself in low grade waters when paddling any craft.


  • Follow the western freeway and then take the Ipswich Motorway turnoff towards Ipswich
  • When you near Ipswich, be sure to take the exit to the Warrago Highway. Note that this exit is on your left. Don’t miss it or you will end up in Ipswich and probably need a GPS/street map to make it through (painful).
  • Follow the Warrago highway and take the Brisbane Valley Highway (major exit on your left)
  • Follow the Brisbane Valley Highway towards Fernvale (you will cross over the Warrago highway).
  • When you get into Fernvale, turn right onto Banks Creek Road and follow until Savages crossing
Paddle Type Whitewater
Start Date 27-10-2017
End Date 27-10-2017
Trip days 1
Trip Leader Henry Friend
2IC Paul Bowtell
Grade Intro
Distance(s) ~ 2km, with approx. 3-4h on the water
Paddle Outline We will be paddling in a 4km section of the Upper Brisbane River which includes around four rapids in which we will use to develop some basic boat control skills, white water paddling skills and basics of self-rescue.
Paddle Duration(s) ~ 4hr
Tide(s) n/a
Put in Point Savage’s Crossing (On Banks Creek Road in Fernvale)
Take out Point Savage’s Crossing
Departure time (put in) 8 AM
Alternate Route Variations Potential for further river play on an informal road off Forrest Hill-Fernvale Road around the Lowood Put in (-27.46, 152.59)
Facilities The put in point has no real facilities, however, toilets, changing rooms and shops are located at Fernvale on both the drive to, and return from, the river
River Grade 1 & 2
366-Savages Crossing Put in.jpg
Savages Crossing Map

367-Lowood Put in.jpg
Lowood Put in, Forrest Hill-Fernvale Road Image


Risks and Management

Sea Kayak Risk Assessment UQ Risk Assessment #45934; ✓ Algae;
✓ Animals and Plants (major injury);
✓ Animals and Plants (minor injury);
✓ Bad Weather / Weather Change;
✓ Boat Traffic / Shipping;
✓ Capsize;
✓ Carrying Boats;
✓ Cuts, Sprains, and Strains;
✓ Darkness falls / Stranded Overnight;
✓ Dehydration;
✓ Drowning;
✓ Enter / Exit Boat;
✓ Entire Group Capsizing;
✓ Equipment Failure;
✓ Fitness / Fatigue;
✓ Getting Separated from Group;
✓ Group Getting Lost;
✓ Heat Exhaustion / Hyperthermia;
✓ Hit by Paddle;
✓ Hypothermia;
✓ Medical Condition(s);
✓ Missing / Broken Paddle;
✓ Paddle Related Injuries / Tendonitis / Blisters;
✓ Paddling in the dark / Night Paddling;
✓ Panic / Fear;
✓ Rocks and Submerged Objects;
✓ Separation from Boat;
✓ Sinking Boat;
✓ Strainers (Overhanging Trees / Mangroves / Fishing Lines / Structures);
✓ Sunburn;
✓ Surf;
✓ Tripping while walking;
Travel Risk Assessment UQ Assessment #57960; ✓ Becoming Lost;
✓ Breakdown or Breakdown in Remote Area;
✓ Chemical: Unleaded Petrol;
✓ Drowsiness while Driving;
✓ Incident or Accident while Driving;
✓ Injury from Loading / Unloading Equipment from vehicle;
✓ Loads Falling from Vehicle or Trailer, or hitting occupants in accident;
Risk 1 Hidden obstacles under water
Risk 1 Context Get pinched or stuck under water
Risk 1 Management / Controls Have a guide who knows the river at different water levels. Paddle with a group so help is available to get out of the water (e.g. throw rope, knife to cut loose). Remind paddlers to be look out for submerged objects. Wear life jacket, helmet, and whistle.
Risk 1 Before Management Mod
Risk 1 AFTER Management Low
Risk 2 Injuries while carrying boats around obstacles.
Risk 2 Context The river might be blocked by an obstacle (fallen tree) or rapids might be to dangerous to paddle requiring paddlers to leave the river and carry the boats around the block. When exiting and entering the boats it is always possible to tip and fall into the water. Also rocks might be slippery and one might slip and get hit by the boat.
Risk 2 Management / Controls Have a guide that has assessed the ability of the group members and chooses a safe part of the river and knows safe spots to carry boats around obstacles. Wear suitable shoes with a grip sole. Wear the helmet at all times. Remind paddlers to take care when walking and carrying boats. Carry boats with two or more people, if possible.
Risk 2 Before Management Mod
Risk 2 AFTER Management Low
Risk Management
Paddler Requirements ✓ Paddlers must advise leaders if they have health issues or injuries that may affect participation. Ensure medication is carried and is accessible. If unsure, they should check with their doctor beforehand.
✓ Participants must self-assess their, and their equipment’s ability to cope with this grade of club event. The club grading scale is located on the club website. This should be consulted prior to registration, and any concerns or anything needing clarification should be raised with the trip leader beforehand.
Emergency Contact Information Emergency Contact: 000
Lowood Police: (07) 5426 1108
Off-Water Club Contact: Martin Wynne
Nearest Medical Help and Contacts Esk Hospital
30 Highland St, Esk Qld 4312
(07) 5424 4600
Safety and Personal Equipment
Personal Equipment (check link) ✓ Clothing you can get wet (on the water);
✓ Dry clothing (to keep warm);
✓ Food adequate for trip duration;
✓ Footwear suitable for paddling, swimming and extra for on land;
✓ Paddle clothes to protect from cold/wind (e.g. thermal/spray jacked or cag);
✓ Sun protection (hat, sunglasses, long sleeved paddle clothes, sunscreen, etc);
✓ Water – 3L per day (4L if camping);
✓ Water and snacks accessible while paddling;
Kayak Equipment ✓ Dry bag;
✓ Helmet;
✓ PFD and paddle;
✓ Spray Deck (if you have never used one tell the leader before you register!);
✓ Suitable paddle craft (sea kayak if seakayaking);
✓ Whistle;
Safety Equipment ✓ First Aid Kit;
✓ Repair Kit;
✓ Spare Paddle;
✓ Torch / Glow stick;
Communications ✓ Mobile Phone;
✓ Whistle;
Additional or Emphasised Equipment
  • Suitable covered footwear with grip sole, that can get wet.
  • Take a head torch and a change of warm dry clothes with you at all times during the paddle.]
  • Water and snacks accessible.
  • Lunch
  • The water will be cold, and you will get wet (i.e. swimming). Bring swimming clothing that will keep you warm (eg thermals, wetsuit, spray jacket, and/or cag).

Additional Equipment

  • Pin Kit
  • Stern Inflation Bags
  • Spot Gen3 emergency message/tracking unit.
Check of Paddlers’ Equipment ✓ Footwear (covered);
✓ Medication;
✓ PFD;
✓ Spray Deck;
✓ Suitable Craft;
✓ Sunsmart Gear;
✓ Water;



Boat Loading Location UQ Canoe Club Boat Shed
Boat Loading Details Before departing UQ shed on the morning of the paddle
Meet Location Club Shed
Meeting Time (meet location) 6 AM
Meet time (put in) ~7:30 AM
Go Home Time 4:30 PM
  • $10 Wear & Tear/Petrol Cost
  • Incidental coffee/snacks
Additional Comments/Instructions Bring enough food, snacks, and water for a 3-4 hour paddle, there is the option for stopping for a later lunch in Fernvale.

  • Participants should have an appropriate level of fitness. This is a trip that requires a moderate fitness level.
  • Participants need to have basic paddling skills for the intro trip, details found here
  • Conditions can be calm, but can change dramatically with rain, wind and weather conditions contributing significantly to this.
  • Participants must self-assess their, and their equipment’s ability to cope with this grade of club event. The club grading scale is located on the club website and should be consulted prior to registration. Any concerns or anything needing clarification should be raised with the trip leader beforehand.
  • Participants must be familiar with, and have demonstrated, a wet exit while a member of the club.
  • Paddlers must advise leaders if they have health issues or injuries that may affect participation. Ensure medication is carried and is accessible. If unsure, they should check with their doctor beforehand.



Register with: Henry Leader Email Address Location: Committee Contacts Page
Register by: 12-10-2017 Event ID: 181027W

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