G2: Scarborough to Bribie Island and Return (Fraser Shakedown)

A more challenging paddle from Scarborough to Red Beach on Bribie Island and return, with a chance to practice paddle skills on the trip.

Event ID: 170902S
Last Modified: 2017-08-28 21:09:01
Version: 1

This is a Grade 2 Trip for Fraser Expedition and Experienced Paddlers only. We will depart from Scarborough Beach and head north towards Bongaree, or if conditions permit, Red Beach (on the Southern tip of Bribie Island) for some Surf Skills practice. We will look to do some rescue skills and other training, on route, which will include towing participants.

Paddle Type Sea kayaking; Training
Start Date 2-9-2017
End Date 2-9-2017
Trip days 1
Trip Leader Peter Voght
2IC John Simmons
Grade 2
Distance(s) ~28 km
Paddle Outline •6:30 – Meet at UQCC Shed (sharp).
•7:00am – Leave UQCC Shed
•8:00am – arrive Scarborough
•8:30AM – depart Scarborough (ready to paddle by 8:15 AM)
•12:30PM – Arrive Bongaree for Lunch

•1:30PM – Depart for Scarborough
•3:30 PM – Return Scarborough
•4:00 Depart for UQ Shed
•5:00Arrive St Lucia
•6:00 PM Head home

Paddle Duration(s) 6 hours for paddling and rescue practice; 1 hour for lunch
Tide(s) At Scarborough

  • High Tide at 6:41am (1.63 m)
  • Low tide at 12:39pm (0.56m)
Moon First Quarter Moon on the 29 Aug (Tuesday)
Sunrise – Sunset times Sunset 5:30 PM
Put in Point Beach beside Pirate Park, Landsborough Avenue, Scarborough
Take out Point Beach beside Pirate Park, Landsborough Avenue, Scarborough
Departure time (put in) 8:30 AM
Alternate Route Variations Partially completing the route to Bribie Island before returning to the put in point. If circumstances change sufficiently it is possible to paddle to Bribie and return to Redcliffe by car/public transport.
Alternate Take Out Points Red Beach (Depends on Surf Conditions)
Western sections of Deception Bay although but these are a considerable distance (7 to 8 km) away.
Facilities Toilets near Pirate Park, Scarborough or at Bongaree
329-Redcliffe-Bribie route - Bongaree - Red Beach.jpg
Planned Route
Put in Point(s)
288-Redcliffe-Bribie map.jpg
Pirate Park off the north end of Landsborough Ave Redcliffe (between Bunton St and Rock St)


Risks and Management

Sea Kayak Risk Assessment UQ Risk Assessment #45934; ✓ Surf;
✓ Animals and Plants (major injury);
✓ Animals and Plants (minor injury);
✓ Bad Weather / Weather Change;
✓ Boat Traffic / Shipping;
✓ Capsize;
✓ Carrying Boats;
✓ Cuts, Sprains, and Strains;
✓ Dehydration;
✓ Drowning;
✓ Enter / Exit Boat;
✓ Entire Group Capsizing;
✓ Equipment Failure;
✓ Fitness / Fatigue;
✓ Getting Separated from Group;
✓ Heat Exhaustion / Hyperthermia;
✓ Hit by Paddle;
✓ Ineffective Rudder;
✓ Medical Condition(s);
✓ Missing / Broken Paddle;
✓ Paddle Related Injuries / Tendonitis / Blisters;
✓ Panic / Fear;
✓ Rocks and Submerged Objects;
✓ Rough Seas;
✓ Sea Sickness;
✓ Separation from Boat;
✓ Sinking Boat;
✓ Strainers (Overhanging Trees / Mangroves / Fishing Lines / Structures);
✓ Sunburn;
✓ Tripping while walking;
Travel Risk Assessment UQ Assessment #57960; ✓ Breakdown or Breakdown in Remote Area;
✓ Chemical: Unleaded Petrol;
✓ Drowsiness while Driving;
✓ Incident or Accident while Driving;
✓ Injury from Loading / Unloading Equipment from vehicle;
✓ Loads Falling from Vehicle or Trailer, or hitting occupants in accident;
✓ Towing Trailer;
Risk Management
Paddler Requirements ✓ Conditions can be calm, but can change dramatically with winds and tides contributing significantly to this.
✓ Paddlers must advise leaders if they have health issues or injuries that may affect participation. Ensure medication is carried and is accessible. If unsure, they should check with their doctor beforehand.
✓ Participants must be familiar with, and have demonstrated, a wet exit and T-rescue (in a sea kayak) while a member of the club.
✓ Participants must self-assess their, and their equipment’s ability to cope with this grade of club event. The club grading scale is located on the club website. This should be consulted prior to registration, and any concerns or anything needing clarification should be raised with the trip leader beforehand.
✓ Participants need the skills for the grade for the trip, unless modified below (Additional Comments).
✓ Participants should have an appropriate level of fitness. This is a trip that requires a moderate fitness level and a minimum sustained cruising speed as required by the {paddle grade
Emergency Contact Information Emergencies only – 000
VMR 403 Redcliffe – 3203 5522
VHF Channels 16, 21, 67, 73, 81 (closes at 21:00)
•VMR 445 Bribie Island – 3408 7596;
Nearest Medical Help and Contacts Redcliffe Hospital, Anzac Avenue, Redcliffe – Phone: 3883 7777; Scarborough Majellan Medical Centre (107 Landsborough Avenue, Scarborough QLD 4020 (07) 3880 1444)
Safety and Personal Equipment
Personal Equipment (check link) ✓ Clothing you can get wet (on the water);
✓ Dry clothing (to keep warm);
✓ Equipment Requirements for Grade;
✓ Food adequate for trip duration;
✓ Footwear suitable for paddling, swimming and extra for on land;
✓ Paddle clothes to protect from cold/wind (e.g. thermal/spray jacked or cag);
✓ Review potential equipment;
✓ Sun protection (hat, sunglasses, long sleeved paddle clothes, sunscreen, etc);
✓ Water – 3L per day (4L if camping);
✓ Water and snacks accessible while paddling;
Kayak Equipment ✓ Dry bag;
✓ Helmet;
✓ PFD and paddle;
✓ Paddle tie;
✓ Pump, sponge, bailer, and paddle float;
✓ Sea Kayaking Required Equipment List;
✓ Spray Deck (if you have never used one tell the leader before you register!);
✓ Suitable paddle craft (sea kayak if seakayaking);
✓ Whistle;
Safety Equipment ✓ First Aid Kit;
✓ Hand Pump (at least 1 per 2 boats);
✓ Paddle Floats (at least 1 per 2 boats);
✓ Repair Kit;
✓ Rescue Stirrup;
✓ Spare Paddle;
Communications ✓ Flares;
✓ Mobile Phone;
✓ Signal Mirror;
✓ V-Sheet;
✓ VHF Radio;
✓ Whistle;
Additional or Emphasised Equipment Please make sure you bring water (2-3 ltrs), lunch, snacks, sun protection and footwear. You will be getting wet so be prepared with swimming gear, towel and also change of dry clothes. Water and snacks need to be accessible whilst you paddle (just in case we have lunch stop on the water.
Check of Paddlers’ Equipment ✓ Bailing Device;
✓ Footwear (covered);
✓ Medication;
✓ PFD;
✓ Paddle Leash;
✓ Spray Deck;
✓ Suitable Craft;
✓ Sunsmart Gear;
✓ Water;



Boat Loading 1-9-2017 5:30 PM
Boat Loading Location Club shed.
Boat Loading Details All attends are required to assist with loading the trailer.
Meet Location Club Shed
Meeting Time (meet location) 6:30 AM
Depart Time (meet location) 7:00AM
Meet time (put in) 8:00AM
Go Home Time 4 PM at Scarborough
Costs $10 wear and tear contribution for club gear. Petrol for your driver. A few extra dollars for a coffee afterwards (if time).
Additional Comments/Instructions It is expected that all members who have registered for the Fraser Expedition, participate on this paddle. You will be assessed on your skills and readiness for the expedition. We will also cover, some expedition planning tips. Other Grade 2 paddlers are welcome to attend, space permitting. Preference will be given to those club members who have registered for the Fraser trip.



Register with: Peter Leader Email Address Location: Committee Contacts Page
Register by: 31-8-2017 Event ID: 170902S


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